- Detta event har redan ägt rum.
2022-09-17 kl. 08:00 – 17:00
SAF Fencing Club together with Stockholm Fencing Federation, on behalf of the Swedish Fencing Federation, takes great pleasure in inviting you to our FIE World Cup Satellite.
It will be the 50th anniversary of SAF-POKALEN (men’s epée) and the 20th anniversary of REHBINDER PRIZE (women’s epée).
This year we have teamed up again with our friends at the satellite competitions in both Turku and Oslo for the combination prize of Nordic Challenge!
the organizing committee
Venue of Competitions
Eriksdalshallen, Ringvägen 70, Stockholm. https://goo.gl/maps/GKvjdGUbPk52
Competition rules & formula
There will be one pre-tournament round of pools with no elimination. The tournament will then be run in accordance with FIE Rules for Competition for Satellite events. Results from the pre-tournament pool will be used to seed the qualifying pool. 20-30% of fencers will be eliminated at the end of the qualifying pool.
Participation is not limited, and is open to all fencers with a valid 2022-2023 FIE license. International entries to be made by the National Federation via the FIE website as per FIE rules.
OBS! Svenska fäktare måste föranmäla sig via Ophardt senast 1 september. Vid föranmälan måste fäktaren löst giltig svensk OCH FIE-licens för säsongen 2022-23. Avanmälan till info@fencing.se. Sen avanmälan endast mot läkarintyg eller 500 EUR i böter.
Entry fee
International fencers may pay the entry fee of € 50 or SEK 500 on site prior to the start of the competition, see schedule for times.
Svenska fäktare betalar 500 kr till SAFs Plusgiro 451680-3 eller på Swish 1235140892, se till att ha betalat i god tid innan tävlingen för att underlätta vår administration.
1-4 fencers: No referee, 5-9 fencers: one FIE referee, 10 or more fencers: two FIE referees.
Please email the organization prior to the competition to announce the name of your referee or to let us know if you will not be able to provide a referee for your federation. Delegations who fail to provide the required referees must pay a fine of EUR 1000 per missing referee.
According to FIE regulations.
Equipment control & registration
Equipment checked is mask, glove and epées. Registration and equipment control is done at the competition venue, please refer to the schedule for times to do equipment control.
Friday Sept. 16, 2022
19.00-21.00 registration, payment & equipment control
Saturday Sept. 17, 2022 – Epée Men individual – SAF-pokalen & Nordic Challenge
07.00-19.00 registration, payment & equipment control
08.30 last call for Saturday registration
09.00 start of pre-qualification pool
~17.30 semi-finals followed by final
Sunday Sept. 18, 2022 – Epée Women individual – Rehbinder Prize & Nordic Challenge
07.30-17.00 registration, payment & equipment control
08.30 last call for Sunday registration
09.00 start of pre-qualification pool
~17.00 semi-finals followed by final
Nordic Challenge
Nordic challenge is a competition for men and women with 1500 EUR total prize money each.
1:st place in Nordic Challenge 800 EUR
2:st place in Nordic Challenge 400 EUR
3:st place in Nordic Challenge 300 EUR
No specific sign up is needed for the challenge, you’re signed up through participation in the included competitions. Dates for all 2022 competitions are September 17-18th (SAF-pokalen and the Rehbinder Prize, Stockholm), September 24-25th (Kupitaa Tournament, Turku) and October 29-30th (Oslo Cup).
The winner is the fencer with the best combined result in all three competitions (lowest sum of placements in Stockholm, Oslo and Turku). In case of a tie; best placement (most #1, etc.) decides. In case of an exact tie, the Oslo tournament in October is the decider.
The prize money is paid by the Norwegian fencing federation, against receipts for expenses related to fencing (travels, material etc).
Accommodation and hotel discount
All delegations must arrange for their own accommodation. Please book hotels early, there are usually a lot of events happening in Stockholm during September and Sweden is opening up a lot after the pandemic. Clarion Skanstull is the official as well as the recommended hotel, since it’s walking distance from the venue. This is also our hotel for competition officials and referees.
At our official hotel, Clarion Skanstull, we have a deal for 10% off the room prices. Book through their own site (https://www.nordicchoicehotels.se/) and use the code “Meet Stockholm”, the code is valid all the way up to the competition weekend!
Federations who need a visa to enter Sweden should contact the consulates or embassies in their country on time. If you require an official letter of invitation for your visa, please send your request to safpokalen@stockholmfencing.se.
Covid 19 protocol
Sweden in general
All Swedish entry restrictions linked to COVID-19 have now ceased to apply (as of 1 April 2022). This means no PCR tests or vaccine certificates are required to enter the country.
Competition and venue rules
As per FIE regulations, participants will need to present to the organizers the negative result of one Covid-19 test (PCR or RAT – Rapid Antigen Test), performed within a maximum 72 hours before the arrival in the country.
Participants also need to wear a facemask, except when fencing, training and eating.
Test certificates for leaving Sweden
If you need to have an antigen or a PCR test with a travel certificate for your destination after the competition, we can help you book a testing slot at the participant’s expense. Please let us know on the competition email (see below) at least one week before the competition if a test is needed.
Updates to the protocol
The COVID situation in the world might change after this invitation is posted. Please do keep yourselves updated if anything changes over the summer. We will be posting updates regarding the competition on Facebook and on the competition website.
SAF Fencing Club
E-mail: safpokalen@stockholmfencing.se
Phone: +46 (0) 70-65 723 55 (Erika Ornstein, chairman of the committee)
Website: http://www.stockholmfencing.se/saf-pokalen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stockholmfencing
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/stockholmfencing
Should you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers. See you in September!
Welcome to Stockholm!
Previous winners
Men’s epee
1972 Orvar Jönsson, MF19 (SWE)
1973 Rolf Edling, LUGI (SWE)
1974 Hans Jacobson, DIF (SWE)
1975 Göran Flodström, UFK (SWE)
1976 Leif Högström, DIF (SWE)
1977 Kaj Rosén, SAF (SWE)
1978 Carl Bernadotte, DIF (SWE)
1979 Börje Väggö, GFK (SWE)
1980 Rolf Edling, LUGI (SWE)
1981 Jerri Bergström, SAF (SWE)
1982 Peter Barvestad, FFF (SWE)
1983 Kent Hjerpe, DIF (SWE)
1984 Jerri Bergström, SAF (SWE)
1985 Jerri Bergström, SAF (SWE)
1986 Jerri Bergström, SAF (SWE)
1987 Greger Forslöw, FFF (SWE)
1988 Mats Ahlgren, SAF (SWE)
1989 Otto Drakenberg, DIF (SWE)
1990 Ulf Sandegren, DIF (SWE)
1991 Peter Vanky, DIF (SWE)
1992 Peter Vanky, DIF (SWE)
1993 Jerri Bergström, SAF (SWE)
1994 Lasse Winter, HFM (SWE)
1995 Mats Ahlgren, SAF (SWE)
1996 Tor Forsse, FFF (SWE)
1997 Andres Kertes, DIF (SWE)
1998 Fredrik Nilsson, FKC (SWE)
1999 Peter Vanky, DIF (SWE)
2000 Robert Dingl, DIF (SWE)
2001 Tor Forsse, FFF (SWE)
2002 Viktor Zuikov (SWE)
2003 Robert Dingl, SAF (SWE)
2004 Paul Fogelberg, GFK (SWE)
2005 Fredrik Hallner, UFK (SWE)
2006 Sergei Vaht (EST)
2007 Nikolai Novosjolov (EST)
2008 Joar Sundman, FFF (SWE)
2009 Carl Frisell, DIF (SWE)
2010 Tor Forsse, FFF (SWE)
2011 Adrian Pop, KF99 (SWE)
2012 Nikolai Novosjolov (EST)
2013 Nikolai Novosjolov (EST)
2014 Mateusz Nysc (POL)
2015 Nikolai Novosjolov (EST)
2016 Juri Salm (EST)
2017 Juri Salm (EST)
2018 Bartlomiej Mancewicz, GOT (SWE)
2019 Sten Priniits (EST)
2020 Grigori Beskin FFF (ISR)
Women’s epee
2001 Natalja Kotova (EST)
2002 Maarika Vösu (EST)
2003 Marie Isaksson, UFF (SWE)
2004 Sofie Larsson UFF (SWE)
2005 Maarika Vösu (EST)
2006 Irina Embrich (EST)
2007 Julia Zuikova (EST)
2008 Ana Miranda (POR)
2009 Catharina Kock (FIN)
2010 Catharina Kock (FIN)
2011 Emma Samuelsson, GFK (SWE)
2012 Irina Embrich (EST)
2013 Kristina Kuusk (EST)
2014 Johanna Bergdahl, FFF (SWE)
2015 Emma Samuelsson, GFK (SWE)
2016 Nelli Paju (EST)
2017 Kristina Kuusk (EST)
2018 Irina Mavrikiou (CYP)
2019 Erika Kirpu (EST)
2020 Elvira Mårtensson FFF (SWE)
Historia (swe)
SAF arrangerar varje år sedan 1970-talet en internationell stortävling i värjfäktning, kallad SAF-pokalen. Initiativet till tävlingen togs av SAFs dåvarande legendariske fäktmästare Orwar Lindwall. År 2002 beslutade SAF, uppbackad av föreningens nye kassör Robert Rehbinder, att inrätta även en damklass, som tävlar om ”Rehbinderska Priset”.
Tävlingen har numera status som World Cup Satellite-tävling, som övervakas av FIE, det internationella fäktförbundet. Arrangemanget genomförs i samarbete med Stockholms Fäktförbund och Svenska Fäktförbundet. Tävlingen är öppen för alla fäktare med internationell licens och brukar locka totalt cirka 250 fäktare från cirka 25 nationer. Stora delar av eliten från norra Europa brukar delta i tävlingen.
Tidigare hölls tävlingen under januari eller februari, men sedan 2018 i september.